#Support new language Or override . to support new language create new class and extend VChatLookupString and override all
class ArEg extends VChatLookupString {
String areYouSure() => "هل انت نتاكد؟";
String cancel() => "الغاء";
String chatHasBeenClosed() => "انتهت المØادثه !";
then in main.dart after vchat.init define the new language call this line for every language
VChatController.instance.setLocaleMessages(vChatAddLanguageModel: [
//pass your language
languageCode: "ar",
countryCode: "EG",
lookupMessages: ArLanguage(),
languageCode: "pt",
countryCode: "BR",
lookupMessages: BrLanguage(),
- by default english Us you can override it with the same way
- when you change app language vchat will automatically change, but you must put the countryCode
- force language
VChatController.instance.forceLanguage(languageCode: "ar",countryCode:'EG');
only for getx users because getx locale does not have delegates